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What is port freq (Fb) and cut-off freq (F3) mean for a subwoofer box? - Printable Version

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What is port freq (Fb) and cut-off freq (F3) mean for a subwoofer box? - 678 - 05-28-2014 05:10 PM

My subwoofer's manual says recommended box is 35hrtz at 3.0cubic feet or 32hrtz at 4.0cubic feet. Now I am looking at a 3.0 cubic feet box which says port freq (FB) is 40hrtz and cut-off freq (F3) is 35hrtz. What do these mean? Thanks!!!

- skatelate113 - 05-28-2014 05:17 PM

well thats just the measurements needed to make the sub sound its best. sorry i dont really know how to explain this.

- Craig - 05-28-2014 05:18 PM

Fb is the physical tuning of the port with the woofer loaded into it. F3 is how low it can safely play without the possibility of the woofer unloading and blowing.