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Should I talk to this guy I barely know on fb? - Printable Version

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Should I talk to this guy I barely know on fb? - 383 - 05-28-2014 05:35 PM

Okay, my friend lives in a different town and goes to a different church. She has showed me her friends from her church, and just general people from her church. I saw a guy from her church on fb, that I think is really cute and we have tons in common, same views, music,etc. So I have heard and noticed. But he doesnt know who I am and hes older than me by 4 to 5 years. But I would really like to get to know him but I would feel creepy just adding him, and I have asked my friend about it and she might talk to him about it when she goes next. So should I add him or should I wait and then add him?
and if I add him how should I talk to him?

- pearl_hoff - 05-28-2014 05:36 PM

add him i have lots of people on face book i have never even met just be careful

- lilrickster1 - 05-28-2014 05:38 PM

If you two really clicked, he would not mind at all if you added him. Plus, guys have a big sense of pride. Knowing girls are adding you on fb, is a big up. Nevertheless, I would consider if you really want to be doing this first. because anything that you know you really want, don't let second guessing stop you from doing it. Additionally, try to get some help from your friend. you're doing a good job, but try things like asking him what other commonalities you and him may have in common. XD Then smash on those when you add him. Throw in a personal message saying "Hey, whats up?" nothing too serious. Just casual. He will most likely accept. Then things will go smooth sailing from there.

Good luck