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we want a little feedback on our website please? - Printable Version

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we want a little feedback on our website please? - Baqi - 05-29-2014 05:56 AM

A few friends and I created a website It isn't completely finished yet but we were hoping some people could check out the journalize and tutorial sections to let us know what you think and how it could be better. In about a week it will have a bunch more tutorials and stuff but for now it's mainly computer science. This started off as a project but now we want to keep doing it except now it's out of pocket :/. Anyways here it is.

That's the url for the part that we would really like feedback on. Thanks!!!!!

- Prisqua - 05-29-2014 06:09 AM

You should have used worpdress, it would look better and easier for you to manage.

- Bryon - 05-29-2014 06:26 AM

You should definitely have used Wordpress or some other website design platform. Your goal for the site is great but the layout seems rushed. Good luck though with your site!