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which technique is best for seo? - Printable Version

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which technique is best for seo? - 667 - 05-29-2014 06:03 AM

For working in seo which stategy is best such as directory submission,social bookmarking etc....which is best or good.

- Victor - 05-29-2014 06:10 AM

There are lots of new strategies that best and good, but given the choices you ask, i would say, do more social bookmarking rather than directory submission in my opinion.

- Vengeo - 05-29-2014 06:15 AM


Well there are 2 ways you can promote your website via search engines such as Google and Yahoo:

1) By Advertising on the mentioned websites (you pay according to the number of clicks your ad got)
2) By increasing your SEO using certain strategies that I will list below.

Tips to increase your SEO:

1- Write a Keyword-Rich Page Title: Write a descriptive title for each page using 5 to 8 words. Remove as many “filler” words from the title (such as “the,” “and,” etc.) as possible, while still making it readable. This page title will appear hyperlinked on the search engines when a page is found.

2- Include Your Keywords in Headers (H1, H2, H3): Search engines consider keywords that appear in the page headline and sub heads to be important to the page, so the desired keywords and phrases need to appear in one or two header tags.

3- Position Your Keywords in the First Paragraph of Your Body Text: Search engines expect that your first paragraph will contain the important keywords for the document — where most people write an introduction to the content of the page.

4- Make Your Navigation System Search Engine Friendly. Search engine robots need to find all the pages in a site. JavaScript and Flash navigation menus cannot be read by search engines for instance. Therefore, regular HTML links at the bottom of the page can be used instead.

5- Create a Sitemap: A sitemap page with links to all web pages can help search engines (and visitors) to find all the pages, particularly if it is a large site. After creating a sitemap, it should be uploaded to your website and then submitted to Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, following the instructions on their sites.

6- Take each competitor site and have a look at its backlinks: A backlink is a link coming from another website to your own. The number and quality of backlinks that your site has can affect the SEO efforts, as some search engines provide significant weight to the backlinks of a site.

7- Promote your website by creating a Facebook/Twitter page or even a YouTube channel. Why is this important? Social media is one of the most used strategies for marketing these days as they create huge credibility and backlinks for your website.

Also Note for the future: WebPosition can be used; it allows you to check your current ranking and compare your webpages against top keyword competitors. In addition, Google WebMaster Central can be used; it has lots of tools that can help achieve a higher website ranking.

- Nixon - 05-29-2014 06:22 AM

1. Quality Content
2. Use Structural (Semantic) Mark Up and Separate Content from Presentation
3. Titles and Meta Data
4. Keyword Research and Effective Keyword Use
ii.Meta Description
iii.Meta Keywords
iv.Heading Elements
ix.Alt Tag
x.Title Tag
5. Quality Inbound Links

- Jessa - 05-29-2014 06:29 AM

Hello Amit. Smile

There are a lot of off-site optimization available but.. you need to be wise in choosing for a certain technique in order that you will not be accountable if the aite will be penalized. I think these are the strategies commonly used by SEO Companies:

Classified Ads, Local Citation, Bookmarking, URL Submission & Image Submission. I hope this would help you amit. Smile

- Hal Smith - 05-29-2014 06:40 AM

I'd go for the Social media marketing

Hal Smith
URLdreamer Consultant

- Chris - 05-29-2014 06:53 AM

On Page Optimization is basically the effort which you put on the website and is clearly visible, Like:
" Optimizing the existing content
" HTML code corrections
" remove broken / dead links
" Add Meta / Alt Tags
" Add Google and XML Site Map
" Analytic Setup
It is very important that On Page Optimization is done correctly for a website as this educated search engine crawlers and spiders about the theme of the website and which keywords you are targeting to rank on. On Page Optimization is usually done once on the website however SEO Agency does On Page Optimization after every 3 months to keep the site fresh for Search Engines.

Off Page Optimization Is something which is done offsite and usually not visible on the website however results in pushing the ranking higher on search engines, it is a regular process and must be done ethically for better and long term results.
" Creation of New Pages
" Link Building Services
" Directory Submission
" Article Creation and Submission
" Classified Ad Creation and Submission
" Blog Post Message Creation and Submission
" Press Release Creation and Submission
" E-book Creation and Submission