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My crush is literally all I can think about? - Printable Version

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My crush is literally all I can think about? - Olivia - 05-29-2014 06:27 AM

Okay, so I am a fourteen year old girl and I really like this guy. He is driving me crazy, like he's all I can think about. I've known him since 1st grade and we became good friends in 5th grade and I liked him for the whole of 5th and 6th grades, but at the start of 7th he found out I liked him and was being a dick about it so I stopped liking him. But now I'm a freshman and I like him again. I go to school (I have Media, English, Maths and Geography with him), church and youth group with him. I just really like him and he's all that I can think about, so I want to become really good friends with him and hopefully he will like me. He doesn't have any social media or a phone and he's not the type of guy I could ask (plus I'm kind of shy).. I basically just want to know what we can talk about, how to become better friends with him and maybe even how to get him to like me? Like, what do guys fall for?? So yeah, thanks Smile x

- That Guy - 05-29-2014 06:32 AM

Just have a good personality and tell him how you feel! If not that maybe tell him stuff like you missed him, you feel comfortable around him etc but of course they have to be true. If he reacts negatively, he doesn't like you back an you should keep your options open

- 121 - 05-29-2014 06:47 AM

I'm a girl and I've asked 'what guys like' and stuff like that and they said they like it when you're being outgoing