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cannot connect to internet with ubuntu? - Printable Version

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cannot connect to internet with ubuntu? - 336 - 05-29-2014 06:54 AM

Hi, I'm really new to these programs and was wondering if I could get some crucial help. I've been trying to set up a secure browser with Ubuntu/Tor based off of this tutorial:

I finished the tutorial but it wont even work. When I open firefox it says "the proxy server is refusing connections" and "wired network - disconnected, you are now offline". Had to take a picture with my phone, sorry about that. I'm afraid I don't know how to copy info from the terminal and paste it anywhere else, it won't let me. Screenshot doesn't work either because Ubuntu just prints a shot of the blank background instead of whats actually on the screen.

Anyways that's the only code I know to post, if there's any other information you need (im sure) please let me know what and how to give it you. I'll be happy to help you help me. Also sorry if there's a lot of these questions already, I couldn't find one similar enough to my problem for me to understand what to do.
@Abel67: I haven't done any kind of configuring with ISP or router, I wouldn't know what to change.
I have done some firewall configurations, but as I forgot to mention in my original question, I'm looking to gain anonymity as well.
@efflandt: my ethernet cable is connected to a router and a modem. I'm editing connections right now to see if i can change anything

- efflandt - 05-29-2014 07:08 AM

What is your ethernet port wired to? If it was wired to a typical broadband router it would automatically get an DHCP assigned IP from the router. But your ifconfig output is not showing any IP address.

If eth0 had an IP address there would be a different 2nd line that would show "inet addr:", "Bcast:", and "Mask:" containing IP numbers. So before you can do anything else, you need to figure out why your network is not giving you an IP address, or manually configure IP, Netmask, gateway, and nameserver(s) with Network Configurator (usually an icon in upper right of screen that when you click on it says "Edit Connections..." at the bottom, which is what you need to click on).

- adaviel - 05-29-2014 07:19 AM

Tor runs on top of a normal operating system.
First get Ubuntu running normally, on the internet.
Then install the regular Tor browser package and play with that.
Then try Truecrypt.
When you have all that working and are familiar with it, try the more complex double VM system in the tutorial.

I'm not familiar with Ubuntu. When you install RedHat/Fedora/CentOS, one of the install screens asks if you want to activate the network devices and asks if you want static addressing or DHCP. If you say DHCP (normal for most residential and corporate desktops and anything on wifi), then you should get a DHCP client running, which should assign you an IPv4 address automatically based on the DHCP server running at your ISP, or on your home router if you are using NAT.
I.e. "ps ax|grep dhc" should show dhclient or dhcpcd or something, and there should be entries in
/var/log/messages about addresses being assigned.
If you are not running a DHCP client, but you are supposed to be, you need to start it.
Network settings are in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 e.g.
but there's surely a GUI control to set it