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How can we gain google ranking? - Printable Version

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How can we gain google ranking? - Sushil Kumar - 05-29-2014 07:10 AM

I wondered if someone can tell that how to bring my site top rank on google. i have do everything as article,bookmarking,directory,forums etc...i want to know that what should i have to did?

- Wesley D - 05-29-2014 07:23 AM

Continue to update your contact while maintaining a well organized site (no dead links). Make sure not to spam your visitors with email. Remember that content is king! You can no longer spam the web crawlers (the computer software mechanisms that evaluate your site), they are much more intelligent than they have been in the past. Don't listen to people who tell you to load your site with particular keywords in order to trick the web crawlers.

- imisidro - 05-29-2014 07:32 AM

If you want to get your first page of Google, understand what Google looks for a site in the first place.

I highly recommend downloading Google's Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide which Google released on Nov 12 through their official blog

The guide has all the information you need to do well in Google and get on their first page as they basically lay out how to:

- make use of your description metatag
- good practices for page title tags
- improve the structure of your URLs
- making your site easy to navigate
- how to write anchor text
- how to use heading tags properly
- how to optimize the use of your images
- how to make effective use of your robots.txt file
- how to promote your website

And of course, creating QUALITY CONTENT for your site

This document is created by Google, so their tips on how to rank well comes straight from the horse's mouth

- Deion - 05-29-2014 07:38 AM

good seo and follow the google webmaster guidelines