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Using someones internet connection? - Printable Version

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Using someones internet connection? - 777 - 05-29-2014 09:23 AM

If i use somone who lives near me internet connection on my laptop, can they see all the sites i visit and the stuff i look up? Also, is there any way for then to be spying on me through my web cam? Am i just paranoid?
Please only answer if you know something about computers and this kind of stuff.

- Lateralus - 05-29-2014 09:35 AM

not only can they see what you're visiting, so can anyone within range of the signal... if you're using a wireless connection without encryption and a password, anyone around can see everything that goes on (though some websites will use encryption of their own).

If your webcam is already activated and running for a different reason across the internet, then it's possible, they can see it like everything else... but they can't activate it at all.

- john - 05-29-2014 09:46 AM

If you are on an unsecured internet connection, and if you don't have anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, anti-malware software on your pc, then it IS POSSIBLE for someone to hack/track/spy on you.

Generally speaking, just using someones wifi connection doesn't direclty give them any kind of view into your pc; however anybody with access to the same network can sniff any unsecured (unencrypted) traffic to see what data is being transferred. And if you get a virus or malware on your pc from unsafe surfing, then potentially a hacker could get sufficient access to your pc to be able to activate your webcam and see what it sees.

So ... yes, you are being paranoid, but that doesn't mean they aren't spying on you. :-D

- 777 - 05-29-2014 09:50 AM

Yes, while you're using their internet access they can, in theory, be able to 'spy' on you.
This is not an easy task to do though, i wouldnt use someone's connection i dont trust.

- kl c - 05-29-2014 09:58 AM

no.. he cant see you visit the site... he can know some1 is accessing/using their connection and you may lagging/slowing his connection as well