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People think in wierd bc i dont have fb? - Printable Version

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People think in wierd bc i dont have fb? - 492 - 05-29-2014 11:38 AM

People i meet in real life say im wierd bc i never had a fb and im 21. Or they say im hiding something. Im not hiding anything i just think its creepy to be in contact and know personal things about ppl i dont know and for them to know personal things about me. I also find it creepy to look at pics of other people like it feels wierd to me. I like privacy. Does anyone else feel this way??

- yahoo - 05-29-2014 11:51 AM

I can agree. Fb can be neat but is overrated.

- Candy - 05-29-2014 11:59 AM

I agree completely. What I do is my business, not everyone else's in the entire world. And frankly, I have better things to do with my time. I live my life, not write about it.

- Jayda - 05-29-2014 12:06 PM

I have a fb but honestly its getting lame. I dont think your weird lol

- Blue - 05-29-2014 12:19 PM

No, you are not weird. Someone told me that, and I thought is was stupid. Then I started one, and nothing interesting came out of it. I like my privacy too, and I would not even recommend putting a picture up. It does start getting creepy, especially if stuff happens, and that person's pictures get posted all over the internet. People can be very nosy.