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How to prevent Google Chrome applications from opening webpages when you log into Google Chrome? - Printable Version

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How to prevent Google Chrome applications from opening webpages when you log into Google Chrome? - 596 - 05-29-2014 11:57 AM

I have a Google Chrome with my Google account connected to it, so I can save bookmarks and Chrome applications and themes from the cloud. I have applications such as Google Dictionary and Adblock Plus. Every time you download such app, a webpage would pop up in a new tab saying like "Thank you for downloading Adblock Plus! Would you like to know how to use it?" and similar stuff like that. I have like 30 applications. And then when I download Google Chrome on another computer, and then log on the my Google account on Google Chrome, it would transfer the saved 30 apps I have. What is really annoying is, 30 webpages would pop up, one for each app I have downloaded and saved to the cloud, just saying thanks for downloading the app and how to use it. It's really annoying, since I have to close 30 webpages every time I log in to Google Chrome on a new computer or when I re-log in. Is there a way to stop the apps from opening webpages in the future? It would be great!
I meant extensions guys. Sorry

- Serial - 05-29-2014 12:12 PM

Firstly, 30 is a lot of extensions, you couldn't possibly need all of them. The extensions should only open webpages after installation, not every time u log in, so after they automatically instal u could just close and re open chrome and they should disappear 4 ever on that computer.

Installers can automatically open Web pages after they instal, and I am not aware of a way to stop this, other than not running the installation.