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Subdomain question????????? SEO? - Printable Version

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Subdomain question????????? SEO? - cwebbatya - 05-29-2014 12:30 PM

I have a website and am looking to use different pages through sub-domains which I obtain through godaddy. Question being..?! When I FORWARD my subdomain to the website I made (Weebly), When my site comes up on google does someone see the URL as my forwarded subdomain or the FREE weebly domain? Does this mess up my SEO at all????

- Ashkan Sobhe - 05-29-2014 12:38 PM


GoDaddy gives you two options when forwarding a domain.
1) A permanent move
2) A temporary move

You can mask your domain forward so when people come toyour domain, they would not see the actual URL. For example. Check out

As you can see, this is not masked. So when you click on, you are taken to a subdomain or a directory on

As for SEO, use a permanent move and this should not mess up your SEO. If you can though, I highly recommend getting a separate domain and using that with a separate hosting than simply just forwarding it.

I hope this helps.

Ashkan Sobhe