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Is Google Chrome safe (Privacy issues)? - Printable Version

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Is Google Chrome safe (Privacy issues)? - Odyssey - 05-29-2014 02:11 PM

Is there still privacy issues with Chrome?
Wouldn't mind giving it a try, but I know they used to track people, keep their info on files for years etc...

Do they still do that?
How private is your info from Google themselves if you use Google Chrome?
Well I asked about CHROME, not Google[dot]com

I'll put this question to a vote.
Please vote for the crappiest answer.

- Mr. Pickles - 05-29-2014 02:14 PM

every keystroke entered into Google is archived, no matter the browser you use.

- 202 - 05-29-2014 02:29 PM

google chrome though it may be 2x faster than IE or Firefox

and can delete history in a snap

its security is a bit loose, but its still safe like any other site, that is if you dont download corrupt files,.