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What is going on with this situation? Help me get closure.? - Printable Version

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What is going on with this situation? Help me get closure.? - 751 - 05-29-2014 04:47 PM

I made friends with a woman who i finally realized was unstable, liked to sleep around, spend her $28k per year on drinks, restaurants, & a $1500 apartment, had to have everyone come visit her, craved attention, always looking for someone to pay her way, and lived in 4 states so far this past year. I had enough of being abandoned in my time of need, her excuses for coming to my place, her wastefulness, not following through on plans & returned phone calls. I kept trying to get off of the phone w/ her last week, but she wouldn't listen so I hung up. I spent the weekend alone, & saw her activity with others while neglecting me in a rough time in my life. I gave her three days & unfriended her on Facebook. The aftermath is puzzling.

At 4am, she sent an email about facebook, saying she was grateful for our friendship, just a phone call away. I replied the same, mentioning a need to talk face to face, as I hate to burn bridges. I saw she blocked me on fb, less than a few minutes after her nice email. Isn't this passive-aggressive? Then she called me, we talked like normal, then I brought up the problem. I ended up apologizing for all of it, especially hanging up on her (even though she ignored my need to get off phone), she took no respnsibility, lots of friends do this to her, & said to email or call her & reiterated that I hung up and unfriended her. Two days later, & there's silence & I'm still blocked and disabled friend requests.

Please share insight about her side. Thanks.

- Best Guesser - 05-29-2014 04:53 PM

Forget her and move on. Period.

- KnowSome - 05-29-2014 04:57 PM

Uh yes......she needs some serious, professional help. She has more than one major issue going on and you can't help her with any one of them. If you are codependent go right ahead and feed into that whole mess of a situation and create a nice, symbiotic relationship.