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How can I ask my former employer for a reference? - Printable Version

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How can I ask my former employer for a reference? - 065 - 05-29-2014 06:35 PM

I worked at a large chain bakery/food restaurant last summer. I got along with my managers very well and I worked very hard. It is almost a year later, and haven't been back since. I am now applying for other summer jobs and need to use my former manager as a reference. She doesn't have an email that I can find. I am a bit uncomfortable calling to ask in case she doesn't remember me that well. I know she is on facebook, but we aren't friends. Would it be wrong to send her a message on facebook (in professional language) to ask her if she would be willing to give me a reference if they contact her? Or should I just suck it up and call the restaurant?

- BBG - 05-29-2014 06:40 PM

Yes, very wrong to use her FB page.

You don't need to ask to use her as a reference. Just put her down and use the business phone number.

"Asking" is just an unnecessary interruption. Think of it this way. If she doesn't want to give you a good reference, do you really expect her to tell you? No. So just list her as a reference and leave it up to her. She will respond (or not) as she sees fit.