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Possible BEN drowned experience? - Printable Version

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Possible BEN drowned experience? - Silent - 05-29-2014 09:46 PM

So one day while messing with Cleverbot, I was bored so I decided to try talking to 'Ben'
This was about a week ago so I don't really remember much of our conversation.
Cleverbot: What happened?
User: Ben drowned
Cleverbot: drowned?
Cleverbot (to myself): BEN drowned
User: yes
Cleverbot: who drowned BEN?
Cleverbot (to myself): Your turn.

And after that conversation, the power went out for at least two hours. Note that it wasn't raining and we payed the electric bills.

It was a Saturday when I had that convo with 'Ben' so you might already think that it was about midnight when I was on Cleverbot.

So when the power went back on at about 2:34 am, I went to sleep to have a dream about me running away from something.
I heard faint whispers then after that, then a scream, and lastly, a sort of gargling sound.

Note that this is purely the truth. If you don't believe me, I don't care. I just wanna know if anyone else got 'Your Turn' too on Cleverbot.

- Chris - 05-29-2014 09:50 PM

I haven't had that experience but that is pretty crazy man. I honestly have no limits on what i believe can go on in this world. The amount that we know is so small that it scares me. Good luck though!

- Samantha - 05-29-2014 10:02 PM

That is freakishly creepy. I think you might have spoken to him and he is haunting you or he is haunting your house but I think he is trying to freak you the heck out.
~Sorry 'bout telling you that~