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Where's my Internet Explorer gone? - Printable Version

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Where's my Internet Explorer gone? - 078 - 05-30-2014 12:30 AM

Several days ago I attempted to download GIMP. This is a free photo editing software package.

Unfortunately, as always, nothing that is simple is free. It seems that a whole load of unwanted stuff got downloaded with it, such as unwanted tool bar default changes etc.

In the end I decided to uninstall GIMP and also some security program that that came in the same download but the problems did not go away.

I now cannot use Internet Explorer 11, which I was more than happy with. When I click ion the shortcut icon on my desktop, I eventually get a half complete frozen webpage that cannot be used.

I also find that all of my desktop web link short cuts do not work either. So I have to go on to the internet using Chrome, (Oh Yes! that one seems to work just dandy!)

I am limiting myself using this because Google is so damned invasive. I cannot go on even Ebay without the screen been covered in repeating pop-ups that will not go away - I feel like punching the screen.

Oh Lord please deliver us from Google!

I know some people swear by Google - I swear at it!

I have had to book a session with an expert to fix me on Tuesday, but I am limping along at the moment.

I tried looking for IE11 in my Control Panel/Programs & Features to try and uninstall but it isn't there. I also tried downloading IE11 again but it doesn't want to know - it is saying that I already have the latest version.

So I am stuck, apparently till Tuesday.

Please help if you can.

- boxxyXD - 05-30-2014 12:34 AM

Why were you using that crap in the first place

- Grant B - 05-30-2014 12:39 AM

You probably have a bunch of junk loaded on your computer. Chrome is probably the best browser out there. Try removing toolbars and unnecessary items on your browser/computer.

- Kartic - 05-30-2014 12:56 AM

first go to control panel then uninstall internet explorer no matter if it's a short-cut. then download a new copy from microsoft website and install it. hope it helps

- 430 - 05-30-2014 01:02 AM

Click Start
All programs
see if internet explorer is listed. If you see it, then right click
select send to. click send to desktop create shortcut.

- Boss - 05-30-2014 01:11 AM

Try Google Chrome.

- B K - 05-30-2014 01:20 AM

You said GIMP came with "a load of unwanted stuff". So that means you downloaded it from the wrong website, and not the official one. At - because GIMP really is free and safe, and the real GIMP comes with nothing extra. And that is the only place you can get the genuine software safely.

Heaven only knows what you've downloaded.

The popups you are getting are nothing to do with Google, your computer is infected with malware/adware or a virus - that's the source of the popups!!!

You had better do an antivirus scan, and possibly an ant-malware scan. Next time find the official site before you download any software. You need to be more careful. The internet is a dangerous place for dummies.

Malwarebytes free version can remove most adware/malware.

If you want free antivirus software, then get AVG free here:

And by the way, Internet Explorer is not safe. Get a proper browser like Google Chrome or Firefox. Both are free.

- Southpaw - 05-30-2014 01:23 AM

Try a system restore to a date before you downloaded it, it should change your PC back to how it was on that date, ( I had to do this rather a lot in my early years with PCs many years ago );
If any bad things have been installed with your download then you can get rid of them using Malwarebytes free version;|pcrid|4362383745|pkw|malwarebytes%20free|pmt|be|pdv|c|
If that doe`s not work you can try to repair your Windows installation by running the command sfc /scannow, note that there is a space between the c and the /
Then download Gimp from the official site after un-ticking any extras;
Best of luck with it, regards, Bob.