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Dell Inspiron "No Networks Found" HELP? - Printable Version

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Dell Inspiron "No Networks Found" HELP? - Vickey Vamp - 05-30-2014 12:53 AM

I use my laptop at home and at school. When I am at home my wifi is connected to the home router, and when I am on campus it is usually connected to a public wifi. Today on campus my laptop kept disconnecting from the wifi for about an hour until I could no longer connect to the internet and a message on the Networks thing said "No Networks Found". So I thought there was something wrong with the connection on campus until I came home and it says the same thing. Turning the laptop on and off did not help. The Fn F2 combination did not help either. When I scroll over the little wifi bars symbol it says "Not Connected- Connections are available" However, opening the networks and there is nothing. What is the problem? What can I do? No internet on my laptop at all. Working from a home desktop at the moment.

- Antonio 13 - 05-30-2014 12:56 AM

Maybe the campus router is different or a blocker was set up. Test it on another public building that have internet,