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My internet connection wont let me use Facebook properly? - Printable Version

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My internet connection wont let me use Facebook properly? - PleaseNoMoreNumbers - 05-30-2014 02:19 AM

I just moved into a new place and found that my internet has been kind of odd from the start. I can log into facebook and read things, but if I click on nearly any profile, it tells me it has been marked as unsafe and Malware. If I try and post ANYTHING as a status or a link, it tells me it contains an unsafe link to spam. Also I can't read my messages as they wont load. A friend came over and had the sane issue on their computer and also Ipod touch. Any ideas what the hell? I ran a full virus check and system sweep and there's nothing there.

I went and used public WiFi to try it out and my Facebook works fine, its simply when I'm using it with my internet connection at home.


- raina_vissora - 05-30-2014 02:25 AM

Is the internet connection provided by an apartment complex? If so, they probably have a firewall or some other filtering software setup.

- Comp-Elect - 05-30-2014 02:26 AM

Check the security setting set by your ISP.

Contact your ISP to assist in resolving this problem - you pay for this service.