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What are the SEO Benefits of a website developed in CMS? - Printable Version

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What are the SEO Benefits of a website developed in CMS? - Nancy - 05-30-2014 05:13 AM

I have a business website with 55 pages. I would like to know what are the difference between a static site and a CMS site. I need to know the advantages of SEO

Thanks in Advance,

- Jake - 05-30-2014 05:16 AM

Really the only real advantage may be of a CMS site is it will tend to have more content for the same amount of development labor.

CMS has more processor overhead and tends to load more slowly, which is an SEO negative. The structure of the code and the position of the most important parts of the content is less controlablle in CMS, a negative (ideally you want the content to be near the top of the source where spiders can more readily find it and support code near the bottom.).

- Scott - 05-30-2014 05:25 AM

The following is a list of key benefits that you can obtain from a CMS.

Easy To Integration, Use And Operate
User-friendly interface
Easy Content Changes
Access & Update Website From Anywhere
Easy Availability Of Plugins And Widgets
Cost Efficiency
In built SEO

- Sebastian - 05-30-2014 05:38 AM

Some of the SEO benefits of a website developed in CMS are :

CMS includes a Meta Tag Tool that allows you to easily update the individual titles, keywords, and descriptions for each page of your website.

The URLs generated by a CMS are search engine friendly.