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How to remove Chrome extension? - Printable Version

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How to remove Chrome extension? - 515 - 05-30-2014 09:37 AM

How do i remove the TakETuheuCooupeon 1.5 Chrome extension?

On Chrome browser i have this TakETuheuCooupeon 1.5 extension that will not go away, I've ran malware bytes, super anti-spyware, my anti-virus. I've went into extensions and disabled and removed it, it just keeps putting itself back. Its driving me nuts. I don't know how to remove it and keep it removed. I have tried looking it up online, but i'm having no luck. I think it may related to the Right Coupon pop ups i've been having as well. But i'm not sure, those ad pop ups, i can't remove those either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Oh im running windows 7, and my chrome browser is Version 27.0.1453.116 . It also states that my chrome updates are disabled by the administrator, I dont know what that is about either.
Update 1: I have I don't see anything that it could be in my programs and features. But i've tried that already to. everything in my programs is supposed to be there.

i've also went through my installed programs, and I see nothing malicious.

- Berat - 05-30-2014 09:46 AM

Go to options than Settings than in the left u have thre options u press Extensions and than just pres the X are Remove. Complete. Hope that it helped u Smile

- Çáłłüṁ - 05-30-2014 09:52 AM

the pop-ups are because of the extension yes, i used to have a problem similar, i had to download Malwarebytes and i did a full scan, took 1 hour and it removed a hidden file on my PC

- Bacalao - 05-30-2014 10:03 AM

You might be able to disable it if you type chrome://plugins on your search bar.
You might be able to remove it if you type chrome://extensions on your search bar.

If that doesn't work, most likely you have a browser hijacker.
AdwCleaner is probably the best thing you can use to try to remove it.
If that doesn't work, try Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:

If that doesn't work, go to Settings > Show advanced settings... > Reset browser settings

Worst case scenario,
1) Uninstall Google Chrome.
2) Delete the following folder on your computer:
3) Re-install Google Chrome.