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How to create own Skype Internal wireless LAN without using any Internet connection?? - Printable Version

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How to create own Skype Internal wireless LAN without using any Internet connection?? - Josephine - 05-30-2014 02:30 PM

Can anyone guide me on how to build an internal wireless LAN connection within a small office since there is no Internet connection in the office yet? the chatting software i'm using now is Skype. Plz help............ thx.

- Caleb C - 05-30-2014 02:39 PM

Yeah just purchase usb wireless nic cards for the PC's you want to network and designate 1PC as the server and connect your wireless router to the server PC and join your PC's to a work group and you have your wireless LAWG (local area work group).

- Brian - 05-30-2014 02:54 PM

You want to use Skype without any internet connection? That is not possible.