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How to gain followers for art account on Instagram? - Printable Version

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How to gain followers for art account on Instagram? - 829 - 05-30-2014 09:42 PM

Hi so I recently made an account on Instagram and it's specifically for the art I create and it was created for me to sell some of my art and give some away as a nice gesture but i need followers. I know you can buy followers but I don't want to do that because it's not actually people who like my art and are not sometimes real accounts. I know you can hashtag a bunch and hopefully get somewhere. But is there any other way for people to find you or for you to get more followers?

Thanks! Smile if you want to see what kind of art I post the username is


- dryftingwynd - 05-30-2014 09:56 PM

I have a few ideas for you, 1 join an arts collective in your local area they are great for meeting new people and networking.
2. Talk with a few local businesses like coffee shops and see if they could display your artwork for you snd if it would be ok to leave your picture with your contact information on it if people are interested in your art work. 3. Buy a permit for a busy street corner and stand there with your artwork and answer questions of strangers passing by. 4 Talking with friends and family you already know to get the word of mouth out there for you.

Never give up sometimes in life we get tested to see just how much spiritual endruance we have!