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I accidentally downloaded something wrong and now my computer is filled with things I can't erase? - Printable Version

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I accidentally downloaded something wrong and now my computer is filled with things I can't erase? - 916 - 05-31-2014 02:17 AM

Last night I was trying to download google chrome, when I searched for it on google, I clicked the first one and clicked the download button. Because I was so careless, it turns out I downloaded a decoy that gave my computer a bunch of software and programs that had to do with commercialized stuff. I uninstalled most of it, including google chrome.

I primarily use mozilla firefox, but ever since last night my start up page is now bing, I changed it to google but it used to be the mozilla home page with a google search bar and thats gone.

I also used to be able to click tab and have my most frequented come on a dashboard of boxes (9 boxes, I don't know if you know what I'm talking about) and now its showing a strange search bar called browse

I don't know what to do. I uninstalled Mozilla and reinstalled it, but it shows the same thing as if I never uninstalled it. I did a system restore but all it did was reinstall everything as it was so I had to reuninstall it. Do I need a professional? Do I need to reboot and delete everything on my computer? My internet is really slow now too! Please help!

- Linds - 05-31-2014 02:33 AM

Download the following program, it is free to download and remove infection. I highly recommend you doing a full system scan.

It could take a while, so let the computer be during the scan, once it is finished, notepad will likely open explaining what it found. You can just drop down the menu, then click the button show results, if it is not already showing the results, then place a check mark next to everything it found. Once everything have been clicked remove infections. Then it will probably ask you to restart your computer, say yes to that. Then for extra measure, once the computer is finished loading up. Open the program again and run a quick scan to make sure it was able to remove everything.

- Adam Al-amidi - 05-31-2014 02:45 AM

Download norton anti virus its fast and easy to use