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Why is Yahoo trying to make people upgrade to either Internet Explorer or Firefox when they are the two system? - Printable Version

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Why is Yahoo trying to make people upgrade to either Internet Explorer or Firefox when they are the two system? - 927 - 05-31-2014 02:33 AM

They are the two systems that have the most bugs. I do not use either on my PC. I use safari for everything. You should use it on your upgrade list for PC's

- DrDave - 05-31-2014 02:39 AM

You have a gross misconception about who answers in this forum. We're purely users and NOT affiliated with Yahoo PERIOD. Secondly, Safari SUCKS. I have NO problems with Firefox either. Maybe YOU just need to learn how to run a computer. Don't blame the rest of the world because you were foolish enough to buy that grossly over priced and incompatible mac garbage. Safari is the biggest joke there is when it comes to browsers.