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EBAY QUESTION?! PLEASE HELP?!? - Printable Version

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EBAY QUESTION?! PLEASE HELP?!? - Victoria - 05-31-2014 03:41 AM

My sister had a eBay account that she set up with my iPad, after a while she deleted it. But whenever I visit eBay, on the top left hand corner it still says "Hi,*****!"
I made a eBay account just now, but it still says "Hi,*****!", even though I just made myself one with my own name. How do I correct this?

- KimGarcia - 05-31-2014 03:43 AM

Refresh the iPad. Try to reboot it then see if it changes. Or better yet, delete the cache of the iPad to refresh everything.

- uppercrust - 05-31-2014 03:58 AM

Sign out - then sign back in with your own info.

- sknsfnfrlfe - 05-31-2014 04:04 AM

Try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it.