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How is Looking my site? - Printable Version

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How is Looking my site? - Zeeshan Malik - 05-31-2014 04:16 AM

Here is my website about health,cancer and beauty.. tell me guys how it is looking and which thing i should do for its betterment

- DASHA - 05-31-2014 04:24 AM

Hi, I've visited your website and I really like it. The topics you select for your articles are really interesting for people who take care of their health. You also have nice profiles on social networks.

What I can suggest you is to pay some more attention to growing your Twitter account. It's good practice to use hashtags on your tweets to make it easier for people to find you. To get more followers on Twitter just follow people who are tweeting about health, sport and beauty and many of them will follow you back.

I would also suggest you to start your business accounts on Google+ and Pinterest as the topics you write about are very popular on those networks.