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Google, Bing, or Yahoo? or an alternative.? - Printable Version

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Google, Bing, or Yahoo? or an alternative.? - 497 - 05-31-2014 04:19 AM

I'm peeved at Google right now, for it's forcing Google+ on all YouTube users and commentators, and I'm now rediscovering Yahoo, which I'm starting to like better, but that's just me. What's your favorite search engine?

- runner1 - 05-31-2014 04:26 AM

I use Google and Yahoo. Bing does not figure in into my thinking

- Brett - 05-31-2014 04:30 AM

Bing is my favorite and if you sign up for bing rewards you can get free stuff like a $5 amazon card or you can win things like an xbox one.

- Mr X - 05-31-2014 04:36 AM

You can try DuckDuckGo but it's just a meta search engine and that's dissapointing.

Dogpile is another meta search engine that might interest you.

Yandex is a pure search engine but that's for Russians, haha.
Baidu same story but for chinese.

HOTBOT you might like Tongue
Lastly, Blekko is pure but the UI has gone to trash.