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Internet connection sharing on windows 7? - Printable Version

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Internet connection sharing on windows 7? - 313 - 05-31-2014 04:23 AM

I have a Playstation 3 on my room, but i have a really thick wall, so the wireless network becomes very slow because of the bad connection.

The 2 in one modem/router is on the other side of the apartment, so it would be difficult to add a cable to my room.

But my pc has great connection with 54 mbps, and the PS3 has 8,7 mbps.
Then i read about the Internet connection sharing thing.

Can i share the connection from my pc to the PS3?
And I know the ICS (internet connection sharing) works on XP and Vista, but i don't know about Windows 7.
But if it dont work, can I buy any product that boost the internet range?
Or a wireless router and add a cable from that one?

Thanks for all answers
I have set up the connectify network, but I can`t connetct to it from my PS3.

When i try to connect, it says : check the security settings for the wireless LAN.
I checked it all, and i found out it couldnt get a IP adress.

Does someone know which settings i should have?

- family_guy - 05-31-2014 04:29 AM

Yes windows 7 can do internet sharing. It can be done using codes in command prompt or using freeware that is able to turn your pc internet connection into a WiFi hotspot for other computers/xbox/ps3/iphone etc... to connect to, just like the one from your normal router.

The software is free and is called Connectify. (link in source)

Download it and follow the easy setup wizard.