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What should I do? Trust God or not? - Printable Version

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What should I do? Trust God or not? - 058 - 05-31-2014 08:26 AM

I met a guy (A) on Facebook. We met in real life, and he told me God had told him to add me. He said that I was the perfect girl for him, and we got along very well. We got in a relationship. He told me his secrets, and I accepted them. we were closer than anyone could have imagined.

There was a problem though. I've been bullied since I was 6. I had very low self-esteem. I also felt alone. I needed a lot of energy, and he didn't have that energy. He broke up with me.

I prayed, and God told me to wait for him to return. Every time I doubt this, I get a sign. I hear His voice, a love song comes on the radio, or I read something wrong and I read the words "back", "*his name*", "trust", "God", "Bible" or something else related to this. There have been times I wanted to give up and move on, but then I suddenly had a dream. One time about Jesus who told a group of children to expect the unexpected, and another time I dreamed about A and I together.

God is also telling me that A doesn't want to be with me now, but that He (God) knows that will change. After all, He knows the future. A himself tells me to move on, but when I say "ILY <3" when he has to go, he responds with "ILY <3", and he once told me he still loves me (as a sister, but still).

In the 4.5 months since the break-up, I got emotionally stronger. God says he's preparing me for getting A back.

I am almost sure this is from God, but It's really hard to believe. What could help me to believe in Him?


- BRUTUS the BADGER - 05-31-2014 08:31 AM

Put all your faith in Cthulu. He won't let you down.

OK so he looks like a plate of calamari, but don't let appearances fool you.

- five toed sloth - 05-31-2014 08:37 AM

I think 'A' had a lucky escape...

- →Acts 2:38← - 05-31-2014 08:49 AM

How the hell do you know what God is saying to you? I call BS

- Marie and Alan - 05-31-2014 08:55 AM

God loves you and will continue to do so, if A comes back or not.
Maybe some help to come to terms with that bullying would be worthwhile

- Marc Antoine Muret - 05-31-2014 09:10 AM

Best way to get into an xtian girl's pants is to say "god sent me a message that you were the one."

Second base. 10 minutes. Max.


- MOMMAH - 05-31-2014 09:14 AM

Keep PRAYING about it.

- agape grannie - 05-31-2014 09:18 AM

Honestly, it sounds as though you are trying to convince yourself that God's will is what you yourself want...for this man to come back. What you should be praying for is strength to be happy in whatever circumstance--and also pray for God to care for your ex, whatever his life brings.

Remember, God will not force your ex to return to you; that is your ex's free will. Learn to be happy in yourself.

- Sam J - 05-31-2014 09:22 AM

Since God is obviously not communicating to you verbally, I believe both you and Mr. A are mistaking your own fears and desires for God.

When you understand God, you will understand that He could not care less about the human relationships we pursue, because,

1. As long as we love some people more than others, we have not come to know ourselves
2. As long as we focus our attention to the material world, and the people, places and things within it, we have not come to know ourselves
3. If we have not come to know ourselves, we have not become known to God, and therefore it is impossible for God to communicate with us

God loves us all unconditionally, and set each of us free into this world until we can learn to love each other unconditionally and earn our place within His kingdom.
I suggest you stop worrying about Mr. A, stop analyzing your thoughts as though they're God speaking to you, and have faith in love.

To know love is to know God. To show love is to become known by God. That's all that matters.

- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - 05-31-2014 09:29 AM

Sure trust in a god, there are plenty to choose from [1]