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What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? - Printable Version

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What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? - 512 - 05-31-2014 10:54 AM

- 968 - 05-31-2014 10:58 AM

Too many things to name, I'm not the sharpest tool in the kit.

- Joseph - 05-31-2014 11:00 AM

Some guys from school got me drunk and took pictures of a tranny giving me a bj and then posted them all over FB

- Goku - 05-31-2014 11:04 AM

I did a stand up presentation in 4th grade and couldnt face the class and I started crying.

- ♥Soulja Girl♥ - 05-31-2014 11:07 AM

Me being born.

- Hannah - 05-31-2014 11:17 AM

a date cum in my hair

- perfectlybaked - 05-31-2014 11:20 AM

There are a lot.

I'll say one of the worst was when I sat in front of my crush at church.

I could smell her perfume.

Knowing she was there I literally couldn't so much as TWITCH.

I was SO nervous even being in that proxy.

Well... I get home... take off my suitcoat... and notice that it is COVERED in huge dandruff flakes.

Oh, well.

Needless to say I never ended up "getting to know her better."

- 99 problems - 05-31-2014 11:34 AM

I heard the most hilarious story! This kid in 4th grade, (8th? Something like that) re-e-e-ally had to go poop during gym. They had this famous and beloved basket ball player visit the school as was talking to them. The basketball played started picking up the kids and twirling them around over his arm, one by one, and then he got to the kid who re-e-e-ally had to poop (and mind you he has so much sh*t inside him that he's sweating and feeling sickly) and twirls him over his arm, and that kid SH*TS EVERYWHERE! It got on so many people and he had to walk to the nurses office covered in feces as a mark of shame.

Despite whatever I've been through I know that I've never been as embarrassed as that kid was.