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Site got down in - Printable Version

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Site got down in - 849 - 05-31-2014 12:34 PM

I have two site one is they both are on google's 1st from last three months but suddenly on last month they are disappeared in, I really don't know what' wrong with these sites. I have checked all the updates but still couldn't find the reason why my sites ranking got down in, Please help me the cause ?

- Anil Kath - 05-31-2014 12:38 PM

Hi Harry,

There are a many reasons why pages drop in rankings, and I don't know where to start, so I'll just list 'em all. And especially for Google.

There can be changes to the algorithms in search engines.
Duplicate content / canonicalization issues.
Broken links (self-explanatory)
Server problems.

Lastly, over-optimized" or "overly SEO is main issue these days as Google’s Matt Cutts announced that Google is working on a search ranking penalty for sites that are “over-optimized” or “overly SEO’ed.”'s-working-on-an-"over-optimization"-penalty-for-that-115627

Good Luck.