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How should I tell him that I love him? Should I even? - Printable Version

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How should I tell him that I love him? Should I even? - 388 - 05-31-2014 05:29 PM

There's this guy and he doesn't go to my school but I feel like i love him... We are both 15 and he probably even has trouble remembering my name :c we never meet.... we met at this drama thing for many schools... he lives 20 mins away from me.

I talked to him once on facebook and he said "talk to you tomorrow" but he never did.. I am getting the vibes that he dislikes me because a misunderstanding I had with a friend of his (it has nothing to do with him) but we are cool now and i don't know if he knows...

i am leaving this summer and i am probably never going to see him again after that...

Should I tell him I love him? like literally SCREW PLAYING HARD! i have no chance with him but I want him to know...

also, how should i do it? I DEFINITELY DON'T WANT TO DO IT ON A SOCIAL MEDIA. should I try to arrange a date with him? or should I just 'run into him' after school and come up with some excuse as to why I am there? or should I just appear after school and tell him I am just there because I need to talk to him?

I just think he might be catching a bus or some activity after school and might not have time.. ahh help meeh


- wellhellothere - 05-31-2014 05:30 PM

don't tell him you love him. that would freak him out, especially if you guys have barely talked. he would be confused why you love him so much when you guys hardly know each other.

do show him you're interested but not in a desperate way. I know you said you don't wanna do it over social media, but that's always a safe route to get in there. maybe send him a message saying "hey! you seem like a cool guy & it would be awesome to maybe get to know each other more. hit me up sometime?" and leave your number with a smiley face. that's being obvious but not too creepy but more laid back. you took the initiative to let him know you're interested and then the ball would be in his court to give you a call if he's interested.

don't wait by the phone day and night though. just keep it cool. if he calls, that's great! if he doesn't, you'll find some other guy to fall in love with later.

- Kelly - 05-31-2014 05:37 PM

I don't think you know what love is, but I don't think you should. Guys get scared when you spill out your feelings for them.

- Kiran Sandhu - 05-31-2014 05:44 PM

If you're leaving and won't see him again, which means there is no way of even dating, then just tell him you really like him and find him attractive. don't say you love him, you'll scare him haha i know you're coming from an innocent place and mean nothing weird or scary but it will freak him out. Esp if he doesn't know you all that well and you both haven't ever really talked other than the Facebook conversation.
If you think you will see him again, get to know him more? Try talking to him on Facebook again. See where it goes. If not, honestly, just leave it lol.
i mean he's a boy, he won't get it. He'll just think you're stalking him or something or really weird. Boys do that. Put yourself in his position. How would you want a guy to approach you. Good luck.