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I told his girlfriend off? - Printable Version

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I told his girlfriend off? - 888 - 06-01-2014 01:20 AM

Ok so I dated this guy 2 1/2 years ago when I was 14 he was almost 18. I'm 16 now. I lost my virginity to him a month into the relationship and I was his first on the second date. Now he is dating another girl they have been dating 10 months she's 19 and he's 20. so I wrote her on Facebook "hey slut, you like his penis in you don't you? Haha whore you just love to spread your legs for him don't you?" "you must be a real winner dating him." i heard she got so embarrassed she couldn't face anyone at her church. haha I thought it was so funny. she doesn't know me and him had sex so she cant say anything lol. No I'm not jealous I dated another guy last year so I have moved on. what do you think of all this?

- Anongirl - 06-01-2014 01:22 AM

I don't think you moved on if u care enough to go fight on fb........

- 981 - 06-01-2014 01:24 AM

I bet the guy is kicking himself for dating such a young girl. Now he has an immature child messing with his adult relationship.

- Murzy - 06-01-2014 01:32 AM

I don't think you have moved on, if you could do a childish thing like that. Revenge is not very sweet. The best revenge is showing your ex how happy you are without him. It kills them to see you happy

- Selena - 06-01-2014 01:48 AM

Yeah, sounds like a good thing for him that you two broke up. I have to say you don't sound very mature.
Also, if you've moved on, why are you harrasing his new girlfriend?

- Doug H - 06-01-2014 02:01 AM

I agree 100% with SELENA, she is absolutely correct.

- Courtney - 06-01-2014 02:04 AM

That WOMAN hasn't done anything to you LITTLE GIRL. I would be embarrassed if someone came on my fb and spoke like a complete bogan too. Thank god he left you. You're a little brat and when you grow up you will look back on this and be so embarrassed in yourself!