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Girls: what do you think of this approach to a shy/introverted girl? - Printable Version

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Girls: what do you think of this approach to a shy/introverted girl? - Johnny - 06-01-2014 02:01 AM

There's this girl I like who seems rather shy or introverted (not attached to her friends, looks as if she were on her own world some time), that's been staring at me for quite a time now.
So I grew a pair (I'm pretty shy myself), approached her, talked to her nice and easy (college stuff), and left. Then I saw her staring at me again, I slightly winked an eye at her, and she waved at me.
Now, even though we don't share any classes, I have done a little "investigation" so I know how to "casually" run into her again, and again.
What I'm thiking is doing those short nice conversations with her for a while and (if she seems confortable and interested) "sadly complain" about how we only see each other when we bump into each other, and see if we become friends on Facebook or something like that.
Does this sound good or is it kinda slow?
Please, I don't wanna blow this up!

- layla - 06-01-2014 02:10 AM

Yeah do it. But make sure you joke/complain and then mention being facebook friends. Or you could ask for her digits under the guise of showing her something funny she might like

- Rambo - 06-01-2014 02:25 AM

if you like her...then 100 other guys do too!

don't lose out by being too will Blow it.

you will just end up breaking the fridgedness off her and set her up for some smooth talker to swoop in and Break her Heart..'
Blaming You and all men afterwards...

ask her a movie....or even a walk in the and kinda low key....good luck

- anonymous - 06-01-2014 02:28 AM

As a shy girl, I can say that yes, taking it slow is good at the start. But then you gotta sweep us off our feet. Shy girls are generally only shy at first and are waiting for someone we can be wild with (I mean that in an innocent sense, not like we're all super k*nky or something)
Make sure to throw in some compliments Smile but nice ones like, "you look gorgeous" or something. Not, "hey sexy."
Mostly just be confident, sincere, and kind, your plan sounds good to me.

- sunflower - 06-01-2014 02:37 AM

You're over thinking. As long as you don't go crazy overboard, you're ok. Most important thing is to be confident in yourself without being cocky. The wink was a good idea as long as it didn't come off sleazy.
If you've talked to her more than twice and the conversations were friiendly, go ahead and friend her on fb. It's not such a biggie and it's always just a little flattering. Speaking of flattering, next time compliment her on something very casually. Her shoes, earring, whatever, just make sure it is something that you actually like, because then it'll sound genuine.
Do a little more "investigation" and find out things she,movies...something you have in common with her and bring it up in conversation. Also talk to her on fb once you are friends, it shows you are reaching out and not just talking to her when you run into each other. Then when you have established some rapport, go ahead and invite her to do something or find a way to hang out. Don't be too slow and please don't "sadly complain" about not seeing each other, it's boring and obvious. Do something about it instead.
Good Luck!

- J.E.S - 06-01-2014 02:45 AM

As long as you know what you are going to talk about when you approach her, the conversation should flow fine, so yeah. Just don't expect her to keep the conversation going, so make sure to have lots of topics to talk about in mind. Also, as for the Facebook thing, if you do become friends, don't turn to just talking to her online and less in real, because trust me, its not the same and can mean you have nothing to talk to her about in person! Good luck!