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DNS issues will not allow me to use internet? - Printable Version

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DNS issues will not allow me to use internet? - Jannette - 06-01-2014 08:15 AM

Ever since a few days ago I have not been able to access the internet on my laptop. Since I have wireless and have followed every other step advised by my laptop, I've concluded that it's a DNS problem. This has happened before and I was able to fix it in 30 minutes by changing my DNS server to something else. Now, when I try to change it to any popular DNS address, including Google's, it doesn't work. It's getting progressively irritating considering I have school work that needs to be done on my laptop. I'm writing this on my phone, as internet works fine for any other device. Please help any way you can as I'm getting beyond frustrated.
I use Windows 7, sorry, forgot about that

- plutonic - 06-01-2014 08:22 AM

You did not say what OS you are using but I am going to guess Windows 8, or even 8.1. Turns out when I "updated" to 8.1 I started having more and more problems getting on and staying on the internet


I went to the manufacturer's website for my laptop and downloaded the wireless drivers for my machine for Windows 8.1 and I have not had a problem since.