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is this controlling ,posessiveness or jealousy? - Printable Version

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is this controlling ,posessiveness or jealousy? - 658 - 06-01-2014 06:33 PM

My fb has said things to me that make me wonder. He asked me once what time I got home.I told him He said I drove by and ur car wasn't there. I don't till this day understand why he told me this. He questions me about my ex. My saftey was a concern recently with my ex. My fb text me asking me how things were going with the ex ,asked if the ex stopped by unannounced ,how long my mom was staying . He asked me if a tv I had in a box was a gift for someone. On diff occasions asked me what tome I got home from work right before we meet up. He is s cop. He drove up one day and said I seen ur exes truck in the drive I was worried but realized it hadn't moved.(court orders to stay here ) lastly he said do ur neighbors have ur exes number to call him and tell him my car is in ur drive. I don't get that does he want my ex to know about him,please help

- Ms. Somala - 06-01-2014 06:47 PM

Your fb is all rhe above .

- Jacob - 06-01-2014 06:55 PM

Wow, I have never seen such a bad case of insecurity and defensive paranoia. If he doesn't calm down about this kind of thing, you are going to have to deal with it for the rest of your relationship, which probably will not be that long from the sounds of it. He needs to learn to trust you, because he obviously doesn't. He also needs to chill out.

- HeavenlyBoheme - 06-01-2014 07:05 PM

He may have a cop's intuition and a general concern for you. On the other hand, he could be in the beginning stages of a dangerous relationship. If you're feeling uneasy about this, tell him to back off a bit and let you have some space, or have a family member/friend take over "checking" on you so that he can feel you're protected. In any case, he needs to change, but it starts with you setting boundaries. If none of this changes, you might need to take steps to end the relationship.