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how do i get my xbox 360 to connect to internet? - Printable Version

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how do i get my xbox 360 to connect to internet? - 589 - 06-01-2014 08:22 PM

on the xbox live connection test setting the xbox fails to connect to my broadband.
i don't know what is wrong it says it is a IP address thing.
i followed the instructions.
i turned the modern off for 1 minute and waited 1 minute for it too load, i went into manual IP address and put the numbers in. it says i needed to change it from automatic to manual and now it is saying i need to change it to manual to automatic.
a while ago my brother brought in a new internet company modern,
after a while it had a fault and we had to get a new password for the internet. since then it has stopped working on the xbox.
why won't it connect to the broadband.

- Foad Never - 06-01-2014 08:24 PM

Check This Bro This Helped me too Smile

- karl - 06-01-2014 08:39 PM

I had the same problem a year ago. You need to do these things:

Turn on your xbox without any Ethernet cables in it.

Turn it off again.

Now, turn off your router. But have all the Ethernet cables connected to your Xbox 360. Turn your 360. Run the internet test. After it fails. Turn off your Xbox. Turn on your router and restart your Xbox .Now it should work!

Have it constantly in automatic ip