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Is this a meme from the internet or something? - Printable Version

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Is this a meme from the internet or something? - Abi - 06-02-2014 03:25 AM

okay, so in maths today, these two weird girls (that im always sat with i didnt choose the seating plan, it just happened) started freaking out for no reason. so i asked them what was wrong because they were annoying me and they showed me a number that was an answer to one of the questions. the answer (i cant remember the equation) was 459. they were freaking out about a god damn number (i told you they were weird). i asked what was so important about it and they said it meant something but i wouldnt understand. i told them it meant 'i love you' in text talk and they said 'yes it does, but thats not quite it' so im kinda confused. what else could it possibly mean? ive tried looking on the internet already hoping to find an answer but i cant find anything relating to it. is it some kind of meme-thing that im missing or something?

if it helps to know, these girls are the kind of girls who watch anime (they talk about bleach a lot and constantly draw the characters in their maths books i recognise the characters cause i use to watch it but gave up around episode 200-ish is it something to do with bleach?) and they blabble on about superheroes also. its kinda annoying to over hear (considering its only me and them on that table)

they also kept going on about how 'depressing' it was, but also 'adorable and they ship it(?)' if that helps at all

it has been annoying me ALL day. sorry for the long read.

- jonnypance - 06-02-2014 03:26 AM

Don't worry. its probably just a inside joke or something to do with the anime. or maybe they just wanted you to think that it meant something so you would obsess over it.. but really its nothing.

- Sushicolors - 06-02-2014 03:35 AM

Obvious inside joke