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Why are my facebook friends so mean? - Printable Version

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Why are my facebook friends so mean? - Samantha - 06-02-2014 05:25 AM

I am only friends with people I know so I don't have any more than 200 friends on facebook, and they are all high school classmates and teachers mostly. I used to use it frequently and the last time I did that I ended up getting deleted by 5 different people in a one week period (I don't go on emotional rants or treat it like my diary, I just post pictures and talk about life sometimes when I have no one to turn to). I went internet free for a few months and then I used facebook again just barely now I get on a couple times a day to check notifications. The past two days I have posted around ten pictures of scenery that I took with my iPhone but I don't post anything annoying and I got on today only to discover I was deleted again by someone else. What am I doing wrong here? Are people that I'm friends with just mean? I hate clicking on my name and getting on my profile because I hate to see people deleting me all the time.

- DayanB - 06-02-2014 05:38 AM

God it's just people on Facebook it doesn't mean anything. And maybe what you find annoying is different to what they find annoying. I would find it annoying for something to pop up on my feed talking about life. Using Facebook to talk about life when you have no one else to turn to is quite annoying I hate it when those kinds of things appear on my feed. And using it like that is like a diary.

- Daniel - 06-02-2014 05:42 AM

its Just Facebook if They Deleted you Maybe you Posted Something That Made them Want to Delete you or Have you Been Talking to them ? Some People Clean Out there Friends List And Delete People Who Dont Talk To Them if you Haveint Posted Anything Bad Or If You Think Thats Not It Than i Dont Know What Else it Could be Just Ignore Them Than

- Joseph - 06-02-2014 05:54 AM

You need to understand the difference between Facebook friends and real friends. Those 200 people are not your real friends. They are Facebook friends. Just because they are classmates and teachers doesn't mean they are your real friends.

Facebook friends don't care about what you post about your life. They are interested in trivial matters like what party is coming up and who is getting drunk. They also don't want to see random pictures of scenery. If they are not involved in a party that the picture was taken at, they look at it as annoying. This is also how they see your posts about your life.

Instead of posting your pictures to Facebook, get an Istagram account to post them to. Or make a photo blog on Tumblr. Keep your Facebook clear.

Don't get upset if someone unfriends you because that will happen a lot with Facebook friends. Facebook friends get bored very easily; real friends do not. Facebook shouldn't be a popularity contest, but, unfortunately, some people treat it as such. Stick with your real friends and don't get upset if a Facebook friend unfriends you. It's nothing's Facebook.