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why did cox disable my internet? - Printable Version

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why did cox disable my internet? - Larry - 06-02-2014 07:26 AM

i went on my friends computer to search up why and it says that cox does it for "Infringement" purposes but i don't recall doing anything that would count as being "pirate".
but they wouldn't tell me since my name isn't the account holder's.
So here's what i use internet for:
Anime, Manga, social, gaming, and school work.
i'm guessing that some sites that i watch anime on might be questionable but for even things as low as porn can Cox tell me exactly why they cut off my internet when the account holder calls? because I'm really annoyed

- Mr - 06-02-2014 07:34 AM

even if you did pirate something, they can't just disable your internet because it'd be against the agreements stated in the contract (which normally doesn't include something like this). I'd recommend you ask the account holder to contact cox asap.

- Lucas - 06-02-2014 07:44 AM

You should definitely have the account holder contact Cox and they should be happy to tell you why it's turned off.
But porn is not a reason to turn off your internet, pirating would be, not paying the bill would be. For pirating though, your internet provider is supposed to warn you multiple times before actually shutting off the internet.