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Must I have an internet connection to own and play a ps3? I heard you need an internet connection to update? - Printable Version

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Must I have an internet connection to own and play a ps3? I heard you need an internet connection to update? - Good Guy - 06-02-2014 09:20 AM

Can I just buy the game discs at the store and play the ps3 with out updating the software and with out an internet connection?

- Sasuke23 - 06-02-2014 09:24 AM

Of course you can. You only need an internet connection if you want to play online or download things from the ps store. Currently my ps3 is offline.

- kdxrider - 06-02-2014 09:36 AM

Well actually you do have to. you can get a wireless roder and then you can play on the internet and update. i am sory but you do have to so you can update.

- Satan - 06-02-2014 09:51 AM

An internet connection is not mandatory, but it is very well recommended. If you have an internet connection, you will be able to update the PS3 to the latest version and the games can seek out and download patches. You can still update the system itself with an update disk, and version 2.00 was the disk that came with mine, but you can't patch the games without an internet connection. However, when you have an internet connection and there was a patch detected for the game, for some reason, unless you disconnect the internet, the patches are mandatory.

- 179 - 06-02-2014 10:01 AM

An internet connection is not required, but it really is in your best interest to have one so you can improve the quality of the PS3's performance and the games themselves.

PS3 updates improve the functionality of the PS3.

Games also get updates to fix potential problems or bugs that may occur after they are released and may impair your enjoyment of the game. Some games had freezing problems for example and required a game update to be fixed. These game update are only available through an internet connection with the PS3 and you can't get these downloads any other way.

So, internet is not required. However, you will enjoy your PS3 a lot more and get your money's worth if you do have internet.

- Boi Reymi - 06-02-2014 10:02 AM

Internet connection is not needed while playin
U oni use it when u 1 to go on to play togethr if I'm not mistaken.
Tats all I noe but u cn check out the site for more ans

- gachzorge - 06-02-2014 10:07 AM

Yeah, you don't need to update I don't think, if you do it will probably come with the game. But an important note, if you don't have internet and can't update, the game patches that fix games that sometimes won't work without them, and some games might freeze more often without an update. another thing, depending on the player, I can't live without online, it's really an important factor for me.

- Justinsane - 06-02-2014 10:16 AM

You can download the system updates on your computer and save them to a thumb drive or external hard drive and then install the update "via storage media" option in the system update tab on your PS3. You will need to create a /PS3/UPDATE/ ( Must be in CAPITALS ) folder on the removable drive and make sure it is not NTFS format it must be FAT32. Just download it from the playstation website. The system update does include updates for software but I'm not sure if it includes individual game updates.

- Abi - 06-02-2014 10:20 AM

It's not absolutely necessary, you can still play games.

But, if you want to make sure your PS3 stays up to date, and that your games get any patches they need, then it really is best to have an internet connection.

You can use the PS3 without it, but you won't be getting the most out of it, one of it's main features is the fact that for it's whole life, it will continue to get firmware updates, improving it all the time.

- PSN:D-Rob92 - 06-02-2014 10:35 AM

If you put a game in and it needs a update, its only for patches not system updates for system persay. If you want to update go online on a computer to playstation and download update to a flashdrive plug in PS3 and update. You can put a Ethernet cable in the back, or get router so it can be wireless thats how I have mine