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What happens if I don't find Someone to cover my shifts? - Printable Version

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What happens if I don't find Someone to cover my shifts? - 322 - 06-02-2014 01:28 PM

Hey, This Month I have to go on a School trip to spain.

I Will miss 2 of my shifts = 4 hours, Will that be that bad?

I've already informed my boss and my manager about it, and they told me to find Someone to cover my shift.

And In my job contract it says that my School is always 1st priority.

I work at a Big supermarket, I work 2 hours monday and friday. I need Someone to cover my shift...

My departement have a FB page were we Can Exchange our shifts and stuff like that..

I've asked twice if anyone could cover my shift on the FB page... Still no responses..

I also wrote and asked a lot of the other Workers, none of Them were able to cover my shifts..

What Will happen if I Can find anyone to cover my shift?

Thank you. Smile

- Caryn - 06-02-2014 01:41 PM

Keep trying. Do you have a message board at work? Offer to switch hours with someone for those 2 days. It's 4 hours total. I don't think it's a huge deal but you are being responsible taking care of it. If its a week before you are leaving and still nothing, go to your boss again. Explain that you have done everything possible to try to have someone cover but you will be out of the country. When you return bring back something special for the person who took your shifts. Or for your boss bc he/she will most likely do it of no one else does.