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why is vimeo not working? - Printable Version

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why is vimeo not working? - 770 - 06-02-2014 02:57 PM

It's the only unblocked website at school for music and its not working!!! Help!!Sad

- HonestCanadian - 06-02-2014 03:06 PM

More specific, what is the error you are receiving? Check your internet connection. Update flash player. Try a different browser.

Hard to trouble shoot without details.

Cheers and Good Luck

- Samm - 06-02-2014 03:20 PM

get off your laptop or your iPhone and get the f*** back to school.
over a million dollars worth of Internet routing equipment inside a public education center, and this is what kids do with it?
this is why technology is inherently evil. this is why 15 year old kids should not own computers. this is why the Chinese are beating us!