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is the internet a lot more censored & restricted now? - Printable Version

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is the internet a lot more censored & restricted now? - The Sword Of Sherwood Forest☠ - 06-02-2014 05:38 PM

i mean compared to how it was 9 or 10 years ago ? i sometimes in google cant find the exact same websites or google images i could years ago ?

or there doesnt seem as many google images and websites as there used to be ?

does that indicate the internet is now restricted, limited and censored from what it used to be a decade ago ?

- Macklemore - 06-02-2014 05:43 PM

please fucking report me i dont want a yahoo answers account any fucking more

- 734 - 06-02-2014 05:56 PM

Yeah, the devil says ya'll should be like me - No truth, just lies.
He tends to rise and falls with empires.

- webjnke1 - 06-02-2014 06:01 PM

It's not the internet. It's Google. They've tried to remove adult search results.

- Melissa. ♡ - 06-02-2014 06:08 PM

Yeah, according to a lot of websites I've read. A lot of the stuff that was easy to find when the internet first came out, you'd need the deep web to find now. I believe there are a lot more censoring applications you can download now to filter what you see online, such as NetNanny etc.

- Darren - 06-02-2014 06:25 PM

I would say that its more diluted, not necessarily censored etc... There's a lot more content now so the more shocking stuff doesn't crop up so often.

- Dave - 06-02-2014 06:31 PM

Cause Google has been trying so hard to stop spammers and control the net that they now just plain suck... Google search has really gone down hill in the last 2-5 years. Try duckduckgo

- jasonh1221 - 06-02-2014 06:33 PM

"The internet" is not censored, but the search engine you use might be, or in this case (Google) SEO comes into play. Sites that were created 9-10 years ago but have not kept up on the times are going to fade away. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays a major part now in nearly all search engine result rankings. Also, plenty of sites created 9-10 years ago don't even exist anymore - it all depends on who owns it and maintains it.

The number of pages and sites grows exponentially every day

- Taco Dance - 06-02-2014 06:40 PM

No, Google changes its algorithm frequently. It's designed to find the most relevant information. Something that tops the list today, may not next week. As a tech Its my most important tool. I can easily find the information I need. I do however have trouble finding information I know is more obscure. For example It's easy to find with a search for "win 7 blah driver" BUt if I search. Win driver x86 server 2003 SCSI reader raid" Thats going to be harder to find. You can use that example and sub in your own searches to understand it better. Or if your talking about porn just turn of the safe search.

- Jim - 06-02-2014 06:45 PM

Not so much censored as copyrights are more rigorously enforced, requests to remove entries from search requests are filled, and illegal content isn't shown as freely as it used to be.