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What is Link Wheel Strategy? - Printable Version

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What is Link Wheel Strategy? - draggin - 06-02-2014 08:01 PM

Can anyone please explain me clearly about Link Wheel Strategy.

Thank you in advance.

- Jake - 06-02-2014 08:07 PM

It's a somewhat dated scheme to generate backlinks to a site you are promoting from other sites you own, the big trick is to conceal the common ownership of these sites by placing them on different servers, etc., buffer sites on the outer rings of the structure may be send blackhat links that risk the site being deindexed, but it products the "money" site from damage.
Google's smart automated systems can too often detect these structures, there are now plenty of free social sites that make a similar process much less expensive.

- Jhon - 06-02-2014 08:17 PM

Check the Images here you will get an idea about Link wheel