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Send wifi from computer to router? Read more for details? - Printable Version

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Send wifi from computer to router? Read more for details? - 282 - 06-02-2014 08:05 PM

Hello, I am trying to get my computer to share it's internet connection to a wireless router hooked up to the computer through an Ethernet cord. Here is how I have it set up: I have a computer connected to a wireless network, and a wireless router plugged into my computer using Ethernet. My computer has an internet connection, so it is getting internet. and the router is detected on the computer, so in other words I would like to send the internet my computer has from a WiFi network to a wireless router and distribute it to other devices with WiFi. Thank you, and anything helps. Have a great day.

by the way, my computer is currently running windows XP.

- Azuka - 06-02-2014 08:15 PM

The problem with this setup is that Routers are used as access points, but computers are not. You can connect one router to another via hard wire and extend the connection that way, but computers are not designed to broadcast.

I'm not saying this is impossible, but I suspect it would require special efforts by some very nerdy and savvy person to get things work in ways for which they were not designed.

If something like what you have attempted works, it would seem that you would also, and more easily, be able to share access by connecting your pc to another one via hard wire connecting the two. I don't think this works either.

- Norm F - 06-02-2014 08:22 PM

You have lost me on this question.
I think you are saying you would like to make one of your computers into a wireless hotspot.
however you say you have a wireless router which I assume is connected to the internet. If not why not
So if you have other WiFi devices they can connect to the router.
If this is not correct draw a diagram and photo it and put it on here

- Sophia - 06-02-2014 08:31 PM

It's very easy,you just need to download My WIFI Router for the computer connected to a wireless network. My WIFI Router software can change it to be a hotspot,other devices can connect to the wireless network as well.Also it's totally free.You can try to download it from softpedia

- awefxs - 06-02-2014 08:39 PM

This is not difficult to do, but it only makes sense to me if your current WiFi connection cannot be setup on your other devices. Stored password you don't have maybe?

In any case simply enable and setup internet connection sharing on the WiFi connected computer:

Then plug your Ethernet cable from your sharing computer to the input port on your router. As soon as it grabs the IP via DHCP or by manual assignment, your router will now function just as if connected to a cable, DLS, or other high speed modem. Note that your router gateway IP will not end in a 1 anymore. My WIFI Router might work as said above, but I know nothing about it. Extra software that duplicates what Windows can already do will generally just going to slow things down in my experience.