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How to eliminate certain search words for the google search engine permanently? - Printable Version

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How to eliminate certain search words for the google search engine permanently? - 892 - 06-02-2014 08:10 PM

When I typed a company name in the google search engine the keywords and in one of the search words right next to the name a derogatory word pops up next to the company name. What I want to know is if there is a way to have google eliminate those search words from their search engines? If not is there something that can be done SEO wise that if those site that might have the derogatory word on them are pushed down off of the first or second page if that would help eliminate that particular word from the search engine?

If you could get back to me as soon as possible with the solution to this issue, that would be great.

- Archeleus - 06-02-2014 08:18 PM

Google crawls the web everyday and has massive amounts of data from different sources. Thing is, you cannot ask them to delete it directly because google cannot do that. You have to contact the webmaster of the site which has the degradatory stuff.

Ask them to take down the particular content (do not ask them to stop their server, tell will tell you to screw off). Then post a question on the google forum/mail to webmaster queries at google OR the seo division. I cannot post email addresses here in public sorry.

- Andrew - 06-02-2014 08:24 PM

You can try to have the whole site removed but your chances are slim to none (and slims out of town). Once google gets it its all over, every search engine crawls google. What you van do though is, make a ton of pages associated with that company or person or what ever, google will pull up the newest pages first thus pushing the other page further down the list and eventually to the second search page. Then it gets cached and removed after no activity for so long. I know this from experiance, i put up some things about something (my X ) and went through the same thing