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In a relationship with a married man? Help!?!? - Printable Version

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In a relationship with a married man? Help!?!? - Tanya - 06-02-2014 08:16 PM

I already know of all the negatives things, I know, no need to say it. I need help instead.

So this married guy and I have been in a relationship for the past year now. It started off as just being friends, then led to deeper with sex, and now we have this really strong connection. We both have tried to brake it off many times but each time we go back to each other. In hopes to break it off I have even physically left the state I was in and move across the land to a totally different state, we tried breaking it off then but still we kept at each other. We still talk, video chat, email on a regular basis.

My problem is I am going through a tough time in new state and I am starting to want his care and affection more and more and of course him being married doesn't allow to give me affection whenever I want, which gets me even more depressed and upset. I am in a vulnerable place right now, I don't know what to do? What should I do? I know best thing is to break it off..but just not hearing from him for a couple hours makes both of us upset. Help?

- Curt - 06-02-2014 08:32 PM

Find someone new to fill your void.

- she - 06-02-2014 08:46 PM

Call and ask his wife if you can have his sorry ***, and whats going on with you that you can not get a single man,why would you want a man that you have to share time, touch and kisses with another woman. Pick your face up, get stable and get some self ESTEEM.

- Paris - 06-02-2014 08:53 PM

i understand what you are saying ut here is the truth, let him go. Because if something happened down the road with his family, you;ll be the one who destroyed a family and i assure you he wont take any responsibility for his part.

- MCSHughes - 06-02-2014 09:07 PM

No, you don't need "help". You need to stop being a home wrecker and adulteress. It doesn't matter if it makes you upset or not, you need to do the right thing. You simply STOP doing the wrong things. No phone calls, no social media, no emails, etc. You change phone numbers, get offline, in essence, you disappear to him forever. And you stay that way. And stop being with married men, it's evil.