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Why won't my parents let me get a face tattoo? - Printable Version

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Why won't my parents let me get a face tattoo? - 237 - 06-02-2014 08:28 PM

So i want to get my boyfriends last name above my eyes stretching across my eyelids with a heart after it and my parents told me no. I mean I'm 13 now and I've been dating him for like a month and a half. I feel that I'm old enough to make my own decisions about my body and make life choices. I smoke weed and drink all the time so I'm basically and adult. My boyfriends supports me 100% except my parents don't like him. I met him on facebook and we chat on there every night. I wish my parents would stop being so controlling. They bother me so much. They always yell at me too. One day i came home smelling like pot and my parents decided to ground for the whole week for no reason at all! I feel I am in a serious relationship and my bf said I can move into his house when i turn 17. I know I'm much smarter than everyone in my family and they're honestly so stupid. They just don't understand what TRUE love is. What do I do. How do I tell get my parents to let me get my tattoo. Should i just get it from the kid at school and not tell them. PLZ helpz.
I was also thinking about getting a teardrop because my boo told me everyone would think i was cool. I mean lil wayne has one and he is such a good influence and rapper.
For the people who say smoking weed is bad they are stupid because its actually really good for you. Weed is a plant and plants are good for you. Why else would people eat salad, stupid? My friends tell me that weed can actually make you smarter you just need to smoke alot of it. Thats why I've been smoking a bunch when I study at my friends house. I even have been smoking it in between classes in the bathroom. It hasn't made any positive changes but my friend just said I need to smoke more.
My bf says he really loves me and really cares for even though he doesn't live at his parents right now because of similar reasons I know he will care for me. He even has been looking for jobs at taco bell and speedway so that he can support me and maybe our future children. I'm not pregnant yet but i really want one and I know i could be a good mother.

- Martin - 06-02-2014 08:30 PM

You're not old enough for a tattoo. And I promise you, you will regret it years later. Besides, why would you want to make your face ugly with a tattoo?

- rayven - 06-02-2014 08:32 PM

You are way to immature for a tattoo..Your making bad choices by drinking and smoking weed!! Dude you're 13!!! Thats crazy.You are to young to have a guys name tattooed on your body...let alone your head.Please make better choices or your going to regret it later.

- Mama - 06-02-2014 08:34 PM

Oh my! You barely know how to wipe your own ass. And you want to tattoo some jerks name on your eyelids? You need to finish growing up.

- Antonio - 06-02-2014 08:42 PM

Do you really think your old enough to go live your life at the age of 13.
Ok leave where will you go believe me girl that little bf of yours will not pay for your bills, food etc like your parents do he can't even pay for that tattoo of yours. Drugs at that age
you won't live long. You say your the smart one trust me your clueless a smart person would not kill there life at an early age. If your were smart you would be reading those school books not getting drunk. Your bf doesn't care about you. If you end up in jail you think he'll go visit you i don't think so he wont even get you out. If you die he will cry, but will move on you will become the pass. You need your parents more then you think. You should be lucky that they care about you unlike other parents. There are a lot of kids, teens and young adults that feel the same way in were do they end up ether in jail or dead. Those that do turn there life around have already wasted there life in don't get to live it like they would of wanted to. Keep going the way your going once you find out the road you took wasn't the right one it will be too late. Best of luck the truth hurts, but it's best to help people like you then to see then end up will lets just say you don't want to find out.

Edit: Honey go for it you don't want to listen don't go crying when your dreams become nightmares. I seen it heard about it always ends up bad. Don't listen you'll see. Good luck plz think about it before doing something like having a baby.

- Alexandra - 06-02-2014 08:44 PM

I am 13 too, and I would not even let myself get a tattoo. What will you do if you guys break up? The pot and weed thing is nuts. Of course your parents will ground you. Yes you do have control to some point, but rather than a PERMANENT FOREVER tattoo, do the sharpie one month temporary thing. Do what you want with the sharpie, then put baby powder and hairspray and repeat one month later

- Alexandra - 06-02-2014 08:45 PM

"I smoke weed and drink all the time so I'm basically and adult."
That does not make you an adult.
You're 13, far from being one.
You should be a teen while you can be, it's too soon to make decisions about your body and life changes.
"I wish my parents would stop being so controlling"
They're trying to protect you from drugs and weed and want the best for you. They may think that your boyfriend will be a bad influence on you, which may be why they don't like him.
13 is a young age for a teen and most of them don't know what they want in life exactly. Look at it like this, you get the tattoo, you break up with your bf, his name is on your face forever.\
Look at Courtney Stodden. She was 17 and thought dating a 51 year old was a good idea, which wasn't because they ended their relationship.
The point is I think you should get a little more mature in life and older before you decide what exactly you want in life. Live your teen years while you can, don't rush into adulthood.

- Daughter Of Nyx - 06-02-2014 08:55 PM

Your parents are clearly not very intelligent people because getting your eyelids tattooed is an excellent idea. Just do it anyway. I'm sure your classmate will do a superb job. Sorry you got such lousy parents. I imagine you will make a terrific mother. Good luck.

- Jinxie - 06-02-2014 09:12 PM

You are dumb. Teardrops are so 2002. Go back to whatever soup kitchen you came from. Thanks.

- Jessica - 06-02-2014 09:24 PM

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you're 13 years old and you've been in a relationship with a guy you met on Facebook for a month? GIRL PLEASE. you need to sit your young a$$ down and have a seat sweetie. you are NOT grown. stop acting like it. you want to get his name on your eyelids? are you retarded? I'm not even trying to be mean or rude but you sound so dumb. i don't really care that you smoke weed sh*t i do too but I'm 19 lol. true love? you've been dating him for a damn month. get a grip. does he have YOUR name tatted??? didn't think so. don't be dumb. if you get a teardrop that means you murdered somebody. your boyfriend is trying to get a job at taco bell? WHAT A LOSER. how are you going to live off of taco bell money you're dumb as sh*t. typical white girls.