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How to Improve Your Website Ranking Through SEO Technology? - Printable Version

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How to Improve Your Website Ranking Through SEO Technology? - 366 - 06-02-2014 10:25 PM

If We want to Improve your Website Rank in Google Search Engine Through Seo Technology?

- siva - 06-02-2014 10:30 PM

The following steps are useful to improve the website ranking.
1. Modify the website such as title tag, meta tag and content by using SEO On Page Optimization.
2. Doing Directory promotions, Social Bookmarking and Article Submissions for promote website. This process are called SEO Off Page Optimization.
with regards,

- Web Element inc - 06-02-2014 10:38 PM

For increasing your website ranking in Google it is very important to optimize you site well. You need to assign proper Meta Tags, content optimization, image optimization, etc. You also need to regularly carry out off site promotion of your site on relevant themed sites.

- Betsy Molloy - 06-02-2014 10:48 PM

Check out google's free guide to optimizing your website for their search engine.

You can also hire someone who will handle your seo project for you. If you are more hands on, than hire an seo firm to handle part of the project while you do the rest. For example,, for the off-site optimization, while you do the on-site optimization yourself.

Good luck!

- DJ_Bayley - 06-02-2014 10:59 PM

You need to do search engine optimization / website promotion to improve your ranking ...

I would suggest a few key points :-

- Build inbound links to your site that use your key words and phrases in the text of the link.
- Make the most of social networking in terms of sharing and "liking"
- Get listed on key directories such as
- Ensure your site is fresh and regularly updated with new content.
- Create a sitemap (using a tool like G-Mapper ) to tell the top search engines about all the pages in your website.
- Link out to other relevant high ranking pages.

Creating a sitemap and using google webmaster tools and the yahoo / bing equivalent will give you a lot more insight into your website performance.

- raysor - 06-02-2014 11:02 PM

Basic SEO (that you can do yourself) will increase your website ranking. Try checking your website on Nibbler. This may give you an idea what needs improving.

- Travel4Eva - 06-02-2014 11:10 PM

SEO is a complicated area of a website, that consists of tweaking the title, keywords, description and content of a page, to improve your listings. You will also need to create links to your page using your keywords as the anchor text, and submit it to various directories, engines, blogs etc
I would say you should also make sure that the page you are optimizing has as much information as possible about the keywords you are targeting. If Google thinks your page content is the best possible result for a search of your keywords, then it will rank it high. Think about it, normally the most relevant pages about a search rank the best, so make sure your information is first class.
Choose a main phrase or keyword for each page on your site, and be sure to tailor the page information around each phrase, giving it 'relevancy' for that phrase.
Make sure the phrase is FIRST in your title and description, and is also used in the first headlin (H1 tag) of your page, and in the first paragraph of your page content.
Repeat the phrase a few times in your relevant content, and bold/italic/underline it each time.
If you have relevant images to the phrase on your page, make sure to name them using your key phrase if possible, and also use the target phrase in the alt tag of each image.
When building links from other sites to your page, try and use the target phrase in the anchor text of all of these links, which tells google that phrase is relevant to that page on your site.
I suggest you do a search for the phrase you want to rank high for, and analyze the first ten results, use that information to make your own page better. Try to make sure your own page has better information than those first ten results. Check how many inbound links each of the top sites has, and compare it to how many your own page has....try to get more than the top page!
Once google has indexed your page, and it is showing in results, you will need to go through everything again, so that you can try to improve on the ranking you have.
Dont ever stop trying to build links to the site!
Submit your website to authority website directories, bookmarking websites, social networks etc.
SEO is an ongoing process, even when you are ranking high, you will need to keep up with building links and watching the competition websites, while you monitor your sites position in the results.

- Ryder Ali - 06-02-2014 11:17 PM

let the start submission on these following website, you can get huge database here of the website

- sophia Albort - 06-02-2014 11:31 PM

By doing onpage and offpage optimization. Getting indexed your site as soon as possible... n many more activities.. all the bst..!!

- Sender Wollas - 06-02-2014 11:34 PM

SEO requires plenty of knowledge and experiences to rank your website successfully. If you have no experiece in this field, most probably you will fail several times before you can see some positive movement.
If you don't have time to test all the techniques, it's advisable to turn to professional SEO companies that will take care of your website.